I didn’t find this anywhere else so i decided to create my own ViewCLI script.
Just run it against a View Event Database to get all information you need.
Please note:
If there is more than one machine assigned to a user it will show “System.Object[]” instead of a machine name.
You can still use “get-desktopVM | where { $_.user_displayname -eq “domain\username” } to list all machines in that case.
It actually results users that did login to the broker. This is enough for me as i don’t need the agent_login itself.
Just make sure you edit the sql query if you want to see agent connects.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems:
Check environment for users login times and get machines with no login since more than 90days.
#generate a timestamp that can be used in filename
Function logstamp {
if ($mo.length -lt 2) {
$mo="0"+$mo #pad single digit months with leading zero
if ($dy.length -lt 2) {
$dy="0"+$dy #pad single digit day with leading zero
if ($hr.length -lt 2) {
$hr="0"+$hr #pad single digit hour with leading zero
if ($mi.length -lt 2) {
$mi="0"+$mi #pad single digit minute with leading zero
Write-Output $yr$mo$dy$hr$mi
#variables - modify accordingly
$dbserver = ""
$user = ""
$pwd = read-host 'View Event DB Password' -AsSecureString
$database = "VIEWEVENTS"
$connectionString = "Server=$dbserver;uid=$user; pwd=$pwd;Database=$database;Integrated Security=False;"
$domain = ""
#this query actually gets all users that did not login between today and -90 days but before -90 days until -180 days.
#you could choose to increase or decrease the -180 as you want.
$query =
SELECT ModuleAndEventText
FROM VE_event_historical
WHERE (EventType = 'BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN') AND (Time BETWEEN dateadd(day,-180,getdate()) AND dateadd(day,-90,getdate()))
SELECT ModuleAndEventText
FROM VE_event_historical
WHERE (EventType = 'BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN') AND (Time BETWEEN dateadd(day,-90,getdate()) AND dateadd(day,0,getdate()))
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $query
$result = $command.ExecuteReader()
$table = new-object “System.Data.DataTable”
$properties = @{UserID = ''; VM=''}
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
$table | foreach-object {
$objloop = $object.PSObject.Copy()
#make sure to edit the 2nd -replace to match your domain
$objloop.UserID = $_.ModuleAndEventText -replace " has logged in", "" -replace "User domain\\", ""
$objloop.VM = get-desktopvm | where { $_.user_displayname -eq "$domain\$($objloop.UserID)" } | Select-Object -exp Name
$collection += $objloop
write-output "Logging output to InactiveDesktops_$timestamp.csv"
$timestamp = logstamp
$filename = "InactiveDesktops_$timestamp.csv"
$collection | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation