:: PowerCLI | Remove VMs
Just a quick script from me that will help delete a bunch of VMs.
You need to have a list with all computer names in a .txt or .csv file for that.
Uncomment the get-credential part if you are not running the ISE with your admin that has access to the vCenter server.
<# .SYNOPSIS Removes a VM from View and vCenter .EXAMPLE get-content "list-of-machines.csv" | remove-vm.ps1 .EXAMPLE remove-vm.ps1 vm1 .EXAMPLE remove-vm.ps1 vm1, vm2, vm3 .PARAMETER VM One or more Virtual Machine names #> [CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)][string[]]$VM ) BEGIN { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" } PROCESS { ForEach ($a in $VM) { try { remove-vm -vm $a -DeletePermanently -confirm:$false Write-Output "$a successful!" } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Output $ErrorMessage Write-Output "$a failed!" } finally {} } } END {}